All posts by Julie

Ascending Back to Truth



Here is poem written by my love and I. He wrote the first part and I wrote the second part 🙂

Ascending Back To Truth:

I want to ascend the rungs of knowledge

And bruise the sky with my words

I want to cause earthquakes with my thoughts

And feel the fists of god strike when my pen

Touches paper

I want to bury myself in something like lava

And cement my limbs in the walls of understanding


I desire to be as savoir-faire as the virgin

While needing to soar as purposefully as the hawk

I want to drink from the ponds where the fawns frolic

All while my inner being is crying loudly for a journey

An adventure that will bring me to my knees in awe

Of the perfection of perception from the Divine mind

May my soul be initiated into the primordial portals of truth

And enter the sacred ever-expanding temples of geometrical light

This time I won’t forget, for time I choose to remain awake

Incarnation after incarnation, I shall remain free

And I continue to hold the eternal prayer for you to join me



yoga self

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”


How do you find your way back to yourself, your center, your heart, and your truest self? Yoga is a beautiful way to stop, breathe, check in, reflect and become aware of where we are putting our energy.

Are you giving yourself everything you need to be the best possible person you can be? Are you eating healthy foods, exercising, being kind to others, considering the planet with your consuming, working on yourself, reading, and expanding into greatness? Are you listening to your intuition and making choices that feel amazing and fulfilling?

If not, can you ask yourself why you are not making yourself a priority and being the beautiful shiny being of light that you are? This life is a gift and you are a gift to life. Check back in with that beautiful soul of yours and remember you came here to play, live in joy and create with love. <3

Theta Wavessss


By now we all know that meditation has numerous benefits to all levels of our being. Yet, maybe you didn’t know how specific brain wave meditations can enhance your life in a plethora of ways.

I have been playing with the theta brain wave for a few years now. I trained with Vianna Stibal to become a certified Theta Healer because I was so intrigued by this state we can teach ourselves to consciously access. The theta wave is the brain wave we access right before we fall asleep (and the one we lucid dream in). It is in the frequency range of 4-8 Hz. It is a state of deep relaxation and feels amazing to be in. It not only heals and rejuvenates the spirit, body, and mind but it also allows you to access higher forms of intuition and plays a big role in conscious creation.

Theta waves help you manifest your desires easily because you are accessing a state of unlimited possibilities. Many great minds have said that if you can think it, then that possibility does exist. Therefore, what you think of in the theta state has the power to manifest quicker into the 3D because you are in a state of unlimited possibilities and centered in Divine love. 

The combination of Divine love and infinite possibilities is where the miracles and magic happen. Opportunities for love, abundance, joy etc. exist to us in each and every moment. Yet, it is only when we are in a state that is open and receptive, that we are able to see these opportunities.

If you are curious how you can access theta waves yourself, there are plenty of resources for you to play with. Listening to some 432 hz music, binaural beats, and conscious visualization can get you there. If you look on you-tube you will find countless meditations to guide you into this amazing state.  In my business, I  teach people how to access theta brainwaves and the powerful and transformational roles they can play in your life.

If you have been craving heart centered living, higher forms of intuition, better health, higher vibrational oppurtunitites, deeper sleep, higher levels of creativity, and infinite other amazing things then let’s work together! I offer one-on-one coaching and intensive programs to help you create your life, your way!  Happy creating!





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You are not a stranger here…


“You yourself are the eternal energy which appears as this Universe. You didn’t come into this world. You came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean”- Alan Watts


Once you remember where you came from, you remember what you are capable of. You have the power of creation at your fingers tips. Don’t throw it away with negative thinking and feeling. Channel your true essence and create exactly what you truly desire. Believe in yourself because you are beyond sacred. You are the Universe in form. Don’t forget what an incredible opportunity it is to be alive in a human body. Express yourself fully, do what makes you feel alive, and give thanks because life is magical and so are you. :):)

Change your destiny…

neville quote


“A change in feeling is a change in destiny”


Quote by the famous Neville Goddard; and it couldn’t have more truth. Your feelings dictate your destiny. Start to consciously think, feel and speak as if you are exactly where you would like to be in life. Visualize exactly what you desire and feel how it would feel if you had what you desire right now. By taking control of your state of mind, thoughts, and emotions you are literally writing your future.  You have nothing to lose 😉

Cosmic Word Game


Life is a cosmic word game. Are you going to play or get played? If we really are creating and attracting everything into our own holographic personal universes then why not start consciously participating?

You are actually already a master creator. You know all those things you think about that you don’t want; they have manifested in your life because you put energy into thinking about them. Start to focus your mind, thoughts and feelings on what serves you and your happiness. What thoughts make you feel good when you think them? Then from that place start focusing on what you do desire to create. Oh, and be grateful for all you do have in the meantime because you are really blessed! I mean it is so simple it is scary.

Start to open your mind and align your own heart to the heartbeat of the Universe. Then everything will start to flow with grace and ease as it is supposed to. I am not saying life will be perfect, but you will start to see the perfection in every situation. Once you stop going against the flow of the Universe then abundance, success, love, happiness, and joy are easy to attain. They are easy to attain because that is our natural state of existence.  We are just too busy focusing on what we do not want to notice what is actually already here. If you can attain these states in your mind and radiate them in your entire being, eventually it will become your reality.

Worry and fear only attract more worry and fear. Focus on feeling secure and abundant and you will attract more of that. Also, do not forget to play! Remember how powerful you really are and use your words, thoughts and feelings wisley. The universe is begging for us to play with it but we are too distracted by things that we don’t want to relax and start playing back! The more we play, the faster things happen for us. The more we relax and give thanks, the more doors open up for us to walk through. So go ahead and give it a whirl? What do you have to lose besides everything that you don’t want? Have fun 😉

You are the Universe


“You are the Universe experiencing itself”

Think about that one long and hard next time you feel as if life is out of control. You were made in the loving image of your creator. Therefore, you naturally have magical abilities to transform, mold and create life into the way you would like it to be. It is all a game, and once you realize that you are here for such a brief moment of time you might start to relax a little and play in the mysterious magic of your existence in this Universe.

In the ancient Hermetic text, The Kybalion, it discusses the art of transformation (alchemy) as a tool of the masters. Once you know life is a game, an illusion, or a reporter of your thoughts you do not begin to deny the existence or the reality things here; you simply learn to transform the energy with your internal powers.

“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these,
understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose
touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”–The Kybalion.

There are numerous ancient texts available to us that attempt to put into words some of the mysterious workings of the Universe and how to play with them. If we are open to living from the higher planes of existence then we will be open to receiving some of this powerful information. I am drawn to the Kyballion as it resonates with how my mind sees the world in terms of energy, vibration, and the transformation of energy from the varying degrees of existence.

“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet;all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”–The Kybalion

Ex. Hot and cold. When does hot became cold? There is not a measurable point or temperature that we can distinguish when hot actually turns into cold. Hot and cold are the same thing they just vary in degrees. They are on two separate ends of the same pole and there are infinite degrees in between.

The Kybalion reminds of that we are in control of our own poles. Start keeping your poles high and your vibration starts to be raised to that level. If you are on the poverty side of the pole, imagine lifting the lever to the highest position on the abundance side. Do this with health, relationships, love, career, etc. Lift all your poles to the highest degree and watch your life magically shift to adjust to your new frequency.

I have listed below what the 7 ancient Hermetic principles are. I highly recommend reading and applying The Kybalion to every area of your life if you are looking to make some positive and profound changes!

The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:

1. The Principle of Mentalism.
2. The Principle of Correspondence.
3. The Principle of Vibration.
4. The Principle of Polarity.
5. The Principle of Rhythm.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.
7. The Principle of Gender.

For more info check out




It’s only when caterpillarness is done that one becomes a butterfly. That again is part of this paradox. You cannot rip away caterpillarness. The whole trip occurs in an unfolding process of which we have no control – Ram Dass


Vegan Carrot-Fennel Soup with Avocado and Quinoa



2 tbs coconut oil

2 tsp cumin

1 tsp coriander seeds

1 medium yellow onion (sliced)

2 large carrots (chopped)

1 fennel bulb (sliced)

1 medium parsnip (chopped)

2 cups of coconut milk

1 cup of water

dash of cayenne pepper

1 tsp of salt

2 cups of cooked quinoa (pre-cooked, or cook while making soup)

1 avocado (diced)


1.)   In a medium sized stock pot add 2 tbs of coconut oil over medium heat

2.)   Add sliced onion and sauté until golden (5-10 min)

3.)   Add cumin, coriander, carrots, fennel, and parsnip and sauté together for 3-5 min.

4.)   Add coconut water, salt and cayenne and bring to a simmer.

5.)   Simmer 15-20 minutes, until vegetables are soft

6.)   Puree mixture in a high speed blender

7.)   Serve over a serving of quinoa and garnish with avocado. Enjoy!!

This is a great meal to make after a hard work out, long day or just on a relaxing night.  It is grounding, warming and nourishing. Soups are great to make and store for the week. Mix it up by eating it over different grains. Additional healthy toppings could include: seeds, nuts, herbs, coconut flakes. Play with versions of your own. Let me know how it goes. Eat smarter, hustler smarter 🙂



The Tao of Courage

In Osho’s book “Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously” he discusses how embracing the unknown is the only way one can live courageously.

jump off cliff

To accept the challenge of the unknown, in spite of all fears, is courage. The fears are there, but if you go on accepting the challenge again and again, slowly slowly those fears disappear.


There is a tremendous amount of joy in the unknown. The unknown brings back the thrill in life, the adventurous part of the spirit is fed. If you are not happy with your life but are too afraid to make any significant changes, then you are not actually even living. You have given your power to the fear of the unknown instead of collecting your power from the joy of living in the mystery.

I believe that when we make courageous decisions geared in the direction of our own happiness and success, then we will be rewarded by life. Sure, quitting your job, moving across the country, and breaking off your secure relationship is scary as f***. Yet, staying in a situation for false security at the compromise of your soul is just plain dumb. Your soul actually wants to soar. Let it. Jump. Be courageous and take the risk. Each time you do, you develop more trust in yourself, life and the Universe.

Courage does not mean fearlessness. Fearlessness  will come naturally as you continue to make courageous decisions. Life will meet you, bless you and surprise you with miracles each time. You will develop trust and you will learn to accept that the unknown will take care of you.

The unknown is way less scary than the boring known you have been pretending to enjoy. Sure, challenges will arise. Personal problems will have to be looked at and cleared. People may call you irresponsible and crazy because you are triggering their own personal fears of the unknown. Yet, guess what? You will be stronger, deeper, and wiser than if you stayed.  Let go of what no longer makes your heart pump with passion. Security is just your mind trying to trap you. The real security in life is trusting in yourself. Trusting that you will be guided and directed to something even better than before. Oh, and only upgrades allowed!