Category Archives: magic

Invoking Venus to Attract Love


Have you ever worked with the planets or Goddesses in order to manifest your desires? Invoking Venus can do wonders for your love life. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. She graces anyone who calls on her with a pure heart. The Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, is closely connected to the planet Venus. She is the Goddess of sensuality, relaxation and pleasure, as well as love and beauty.

How can Venus and Aphrodite serve you in your path to manifesting love? Well, they teach you to become love. In order to attract love, we must become love first. We must make our bodies, minds and spirits a temple for love. This means, closely monitoring our thoughts, aligning with our creator (who is pure Love), doing things we love to do, and seeing love in everything and everyone.


The path of love is not always an easy one. In this 3rd dimensional world we have been programmed to believe that there is a lack of love. This is why when we are trying to manifest love we can become discouraged and doubtful. We feel that love may just never happen for us. I mean how silly is that in the big scheme of things? When we remember our infinite nature, we automatically feel inspired about creating love. 


We are infinite! Therefore, there must be infinite love available to us at all times. When we open ourselves to infinite love, rather than limited love, we are initiated into a higher consciousness. When we are in a higher state of consciousness, our vibration is naturally higher. At a higher vibration, we tend to attract love more easily and without effort. This is the magic of Aphrodite and Venus. If you can simply become love, you will never have to look for it.


If you are looking for love and having a hard time, start invoking Venus and Aphrodite. Call to them with a humble heart. Make an offering to the Goddess of love and ask her to teach you her ways. 


You already have all the love you could ever need inside of you, you simply forgot. I am here to remind you of what is already yours. Initiate yourself out of lack and scarcity, step into the abundance of love that awaits you.
If you need help healing your lack beliefs around love, I am here for you. I offer one on one coaching to help align people to the vibration of love. I have seen and witnessed so many miracles in my work, I am confident I can help you create exactly what you desire.
For more details on my coaching click here:…


I also offer a 7 Day Goddess Guide Program that will allow you to heal your chakras and align you to the greatest love. If you are ready to be initiated by the Goddess of Love, then this program is for you 🙂…

You are SO loved and supported 🙂


Circumstances don’t matter…

“Circumstances don’t matter, only state of being matters”- Bashar


Are you paying enough attention to your state of being ? Your power lies in your ability to choose your state of being each moment, despite the external circumstances you are presented with.

As a creator, only you have the power to choose how you feel about something. Are you giving your power away constantly to negative emotions such as fear, frustration, anger, negativity, and lack? I used to do that along my journey as well. Yet, I finally realized it does not serve to me always be living life as a battle.

When I am presented with challenges in life now, I no longer fight -I surrender. I surrender to the lessons, the hidden blessings, the growth, the expansion, and the shift that life wants me to experience. Instead of engaging in intense drama and worry, I have learned how to influence the highest outcome (this is done by choosing a high vibrational frequency over a lower vibrational frequency).

This was easy to do once I adopted new beliefs about life. A more empowering belief I adopted was the belief that everything is here to help me.

 Everything in life is here to help us grow, expand, evolve and become our most powerful radiant selves. Just because we cannot see the reason with our limited minds, doesn’t mean the reason is not there.

Going back to what Bashar says, ONLY your state of being matters. The circumstances do not matter and will reflect your state of being if you can hold a solid vibration of trust, love, abundance, openness, and presence. 

Why Needing Nothing, Attracts Everything


Okay, so this is a big, amazing and metaphysical thing to realize if you want to become the happiest person you know (or become like Russell Simons ;). Needing nothing doesn’t come from a mental place of choosing to just stop needing things (because if that worked we would have all ascended by now). When we are in the vibrational state of needing nothing, it is because we have realized that we HAVE everything.

Easier said than done? I disagree. It is actually the easiest thing you will ever do.                    Here is how you do it: You become ONE with all that is. Yes, that sounds very Buddha like, because it is. When you are in the realization that you are one with all of creation, it is impossible to “need” anything as you are lacking nothing. Whenever you think of  your desires from this state, they will be instantly fulfilled on a vibrational level (as you are in the awareness that everything has already been created for you in the eternal now).

So how do you apply this practically (when you are not physically cuddling the love of your life every night, as you deeply desire to do)? Well, you go to bed knowing that it has already been created for you.

There is no time or space, so everything is already manifested. Now you get to enjoy the journey of creating and manifesting your desire, in this matrix game we call the 3rd dimension. It would be very boring if we didn’t get to experience the rocky and blissful journey of meeting desires. The journey part is why we came to Earth. We have already been (and still are) Gods and Goddesses in heaven, experiencing everything whenever we want. Therefore, we made up this game to have a little more fun. Don’t fight the game , just learn the rules and have more fun playing. There you have it- simply stop needing things if you want to have everything you could have ever desired (and more)!


Sexual Energy and Creating Reality


I think we all know how to manifest by now. We know we have to think positive thoughts, feel as if it is already ours, become the person who has their desire, etc. These techniques are powerful and can bring about instantaneous results. However, along my journey I have found that there is one forgotten piece of the puzzle. That piece is our sexuality.

Think about it- whether you are a man or a woman you have the power to create life. That is freaking powerful! We as humans cannot create a life with out a man and woman coming together. Man and woman are equally as powerful. Yet, did you know that you have masculine and feminine energy inside of you? These energies lie at the base of our spine and in some cultures it is called your kundalini energy. Osho said that it is only when the masculine and feminine come together, that a buddha can be born. You are beyond gender, but in a human experience we have the gift of sexuality. We can channel our sexual energy to create whatever we desire, it is not only used to create life.

This is amazing news because if you have the power to create life, then you have the power to create anything you desire. You also have the ability to heal with this energy. If you can be created from sexual energy you better believe it can heal. Marvin Gaye was really onto something with his hit song “Sexual Healing”.  If we can learn to control, channel and allow our sexual energy to assist us in creating our reality we will become unstoppable. There is a reason that the organized religions and the High Priest/ess hid this information from the common people. It is because we are so powerful we can use our energy to create our destroy.

If you are struggling creating reality with only your mind then I encourage you to try using your sexual energy to create your desires. I do one on one coaching to show people how to do this.  When we start accessing higher levels of consciousness we are going beyond linear time and space. Therefore, we have the ability to create things faster and step into a consciousness of allowing. Soon we do not have to think about “manifesting” because we are living at such a high vibration that our energy automatically brings in exactly what we are seeking. Life can be magical, blissful, abundant and graceful. You have the ability to raise your vibration to start creating at this level of ease and grace. Why wait?


The Phoenix Rising


The Phoenix Rising…

The Phoenix rising is a powerful symbol and one that has been showing up quite frequently these past few weeks. Not only do I feel as if I am rising from my death, but I feel as if the collective is rising from a death as well. These past few months have felt quite intense with the lunar energies, Venus retrograde, and transitional energies we are all experiencing. The Phoenix gives up the hope, strength, courage and motivation to keep moving forward. We too can arise from our ashes and we can arise greater, stronger, bolder, and more powerful than before.

What brings us to ashes is our inner pain. The inner heartbreak that we have been avoiding is where our greatest treasure lies. When we finally decide we are ready to go into the pain, it is amazing how much support shows up to help us through. We have teams of angels, guides, and light beings available to guide us into the portal of our own darkness. This may sound scary but it really isn’t because after we are initiated into the portal of darkness we then step into the portal of light. It is the process of walking into the darkness and back into the light where we reclaim our power, strength and ability to love that much deeper. We find out what true forgiveness is and we become more compassionate and loving beings towards ourself and others.

I view pain, heartbreak, loss, and grief as portals into our own heart. Yes, it is important to feel the pain, but it is even more important to keep digging to find the gold. The gold is the light that illuminates our being when we go deep into the pain. It is said that the High Priest/ess is led through the darkness of struggle and then initiated into the light of Love. We have the power to heal and release our old story. If something is no longer serving your evolution do not be afraid to let it die. Death is not the end but a transition into something greater. As one of my teachers always says:  “Don’t be afraid to die before you die”. In fact die as many times are you need to in order to emerge as the powerful light bringer that you are. 🙂

You are loved,


La Luna


La Luna-

Mi Amor…

Speak to me the language of you

I need that soft but sweet yet juicy and fulfilled tongue

Penetrate me with your luminous light

The deep intellect that possess me when I admire you

Sing me your gospel fairy hymn

And soften my being with your wisdom

Humble me to my knees with your beauty

Then take me to your depths of darkness too

I need to know all of you

May my heart and your light never separate

Despite the running nightmare of darkness

The truth is, you are always shining