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how to eat healthy and not be boring

Salad with chicken, salad, salad, steamed vegetables, more salad, salad with salmon -no bread, steamed greens…I think you get the idea. Eating healthy can make you feel and look great but it can be so boring if we are not creative about it. If you are like me, you probably have a fear of being boring in any way. How do we make being healthy fun? You have to start bring back the P vitamin, which is PLEASURE. We need to start eating with all of ourselves and not just our fearful, limited, diet restricted minds. I recently started reading about Marc David’s work with the psychology of eating. He says that what you bring to the table when you eat (meaning your emotions, your personality, your day, your mood, your appetite) is just as important as what you eat. If we are eating in an uplifted, curious, playful, sexy state of mind we actually digest food better than if we are upset and not paying attention to the food we are ingesting. I may be going out on a limb calling food sexy, but it so obviously is. Anything that brings us pleasure is sexy. Start bringing sexy back to the table. Start admiring your food; the presentation, the aromas, and the mouth feel of what you are choosing to make your meal. Food is fuel as it keeps up alive but it is also this magical, sensual, pleasureful, playful time in our day where we are taking time to ingest what we want to put in our bodies. We all want to make healthy eating choices, but there are ways to make them more exciting. What are some food tips to spice up your healthy life? Well here are a few ways:

1.) Keep it spicy.  Spices are alluring, exotic, fragrant and powerful. Just a dash makes an exciting and dramatic difference in a plate of food. Start playing with new spice combinations like harrissa, zatar, curry, or start making up your own. Add spice blends to healthy items like steamed vegetables, grains, and beans; or make an olive oil-spice rub for a baked fish or chicken dish. Start playing with different salts, and peppers too. Cayenne, white pepper and togarashi all add different flavors to a dish.  Celtic sea salt is way more complex than your iodized table salt. Start paying attention and start experimenting with what you like. Go ahead, keep it spicy. Your mouth will thank me, I promise.

2.) Start using super foods. A super food is a super charged food or herb that is off the chart with nutrients and antioxidants. Raw food guru, David Wolfe, is the number one pioneer of super foods. Adding these foods to your morning smoothies, mixing them into your yogurt, or making a healthy raw food dessert are just a few ways to get creative. Hempseeds, chia seeds, cacao, maca, mesquite pod meal, goji berries, lucuma powder, raw honey, bee pollen are just a few examples of some delicious super foods. Think about a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Boring, right? Now imagine that same bowl of oatmeal toped with a spoon full of goji berries, a tbs of hemp seeds, 2 tbs of cacao bits, some shredded coconut flakes and a drizzle of raw honey on top. Way different story, right? So go ahead be a health food weirdo and stock up on as many super foods as you can. Your body will thank you.

3.) Go abroad. Start researching what people eat in South India, Thailand, Lebanon, Turkey, or Peru. There are so many combinations of food we as Americans would never think of doing that are quite natural and delicious in other parts of the world. Start researching new ingredients, cooking methods, recipes from other countries. Start exploring your local asian and ethnic grocery stores in your area. They are full of things we have never seen or head of before. Ask questions, be curious, be creative. No one would dare call you boring if you bring a traditional lentil based Lebanese dish to a dinner party. Start intriguing yourself and others with new eating adventures.

There you have it. Food is sexy and we as eaters are awesome.  Start playing with food and stop being a slave to  boring diet. Healthy is great but healthy, sexy, spicy, and exotic are even better :)

how to walk through a room and not feel awkward

Right!? Isn’t it about time somebody talked about this! How many times have you walked through a room full of seated people and felt extremely awkward? I don’t know why this occurs inside our brains but it sure does happen to a lot of people I have asked lately. As I sit in this coffee shop and just had to walk from the bathroom back to my table I realized how extremely and incredibly awkward I feel just walking though a room of people. I am not sure where to look, what to think, or where to even focus myself. Do I stare straight at my destination (my chair at my table) and strait arrow it all the way there with out looking at anyone? Do I casually twirl my hair and glance around the room? Do I just sing a Beyonce song in my head to stop all my insecurities from rising up? I have no idea what to do.  I have done all of the above and still felt extremely awkward. Then I finally(a whole ten seconds later) arrive at my table, sit down quickly and feel safe again. This is actually the first time I have ever thought about this topic quite deeply. I have always felt like an awkward person my whole life, yet why do I feel so awkward walking in a room full of strangers? I even live in Boulder, Colorado where I am probably the most normal looking person at a coffee shop on a Monday at 3 p.m. It really has my brain spinning.

Anyways I thought it would be a great thing to write about as I am now fascinated by how awkward I perceive myself to be. Its not like everyone in the room is staring at us when we casually walk to the bathroom and back? I am not sure if this is 3rd grade crisis coming up but I really want to know how secure, confident, and unawkward people glide through a room with out these weird feelings and thoughts in their brain. I think I will have to end this post here as I am still perplexed by this and have nothing else to say. Now I feel super awkward hehe. Please reply with your thoughts ,they are highly appreciated and I am highly curious :)