How to make rejection sexy


“Never love anybody who treats you like you are ordinary” Oscar Wilde

No doubt about it, rejection is the worst feeling in the entire universe. However, since I am a positive-spirit-bliss-junkie at my core, I always try to dig deep and find the positivity and soul lessons in every situation. In regards to rejection from someone you love, the positive outcome I have learned is humblesness and the ability to raise your standards.

If you are going through rejection it is a perfect time to RAISE YOUR STANDARDS.

Why? Because somebody with high standards in love and life would only allow divine love from someone who wants to be with you as badly as you want to be with them. You deserve to be met in love, cherished, and held onto. If someone can let you go and risk losing you into a world of 7 billion people then  now is the time to raise your standards. Raise the bar. You seriously deserve the world and your perfect vibrational match, not someone who can live with out you.

You are worth the highest form of love you could ever imagine. If you have trouble excepting that thought then you need to take this time to work on your self worth and value. (And by work I really just mean drop all the false beliefs about yourself, as you are a perfect extension of source energy right now). Also people with high standards are fucking sexy. Period. They know what they are worth and they never settle. Be one of those people. 

Use rejection as fuel to catapult yourself into a whole new world of higher standards. Start making your shoulds a must. Raise your standards in work, fitness, friendship, spirituality and start creating your next relationship based on your self worth. Start remembering that you came to this Earth to experience contrast. Once you know what you do not want, move on!

Be grateful for the clarity you now have about what you would like in your next relationship. Let go and trust that the Universe will bring you something even more amazing. The Universe has your back and is aligning everything perfectly for you. Your only job is to recognize that you are worth it.



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