how to not feel insane as you manifest your reality

So you have been reading about these laws of the universe right? You know that the law of attraction says when you want something in your life you have to confirm it as if it is already here. You already have tons of money in the bank, you already are driving your new car, you already have that awesome new job and you tell yourself everyday multiple times how awesome all of these new things feel. The question is how to not feel like a crazy person as you confirm all these things in your mind that you do not actually physically have yet. From an outside source you would indeed appear to be nuts if you are confirming how good it feels to be so rich when someone were to see you have $100 dollars in your savings account. Which brings me to tell you about my rules for manifesting. (I call them rules but they are more of my own guidelines I have discovered over the years of manifesting).

Rule #1: Unless you are extremely confident in your manifesting skills (and can tell people with unwavering faith your manifestation will come true)  do not tell people about your manifesting.

Trust me, certain people will indeed kill you high with their skeptism and disbelief . The last thing you want to do is start doubting yourself.  I know this shit works, you are beginning to know this shit works so only tell people that support you and believe in this magic. You need people whom can help confirm your reality for you. I confirm crazy stuff all the time in my head.  If I need $10,000 dollars I write it down on paper ” Yay thank you for my $10,000 dollars universe- so grateful!” I confirm it all day long until it appears. I have friends whom I trust and can tell them I am manifesting $10,000 dollars and they confirm it for me as well. These friends will believe me and not be surprised when I get an unexpected check for $10,000 (true story). Yet, if I were to confirm it to say my brother who does not believe in the Universe, I would indeed feel insane. As he would have no idea what I am talking about, one hundred percent not believe it was possible to manifest $10,000 dollars out of nowhere, and basically tell me I am a new age witchy weirdo.  So yes, keep confirming your reality and your manifesting all day long until it comes (just don’t let anyone kill your magic). I know you are not crazy, I believe in you, and I support you. :)

Rule #2: Do not get angry at the universe, meet the Universe half way!

Does this mean I never get angry at the universe? Of course not. I yell at the universe all the time like a three year old. However, when my little tantrums occur it is never the Universe’s fault it is always my fault. I need to be doing more of my own work and meeting the universe half way. I can not be mad at the universe for something that is not here yet.  I know the laws and have the tools to manifest myself. I know how it works. When something is not manifesting it is MY responsibility to make it happen. Say I want a brand new job. I write it down, I see it, I visualize it, I picture it, I feel it, I own it, I want it, it is mine. Yet, where is it? Why is it not here yet! UNIVERSE WHERE IS MY JOB!!!! haha. ok. So here is when we do our part. The universe is always configuring miracles for us we just have to get ourselves to the place to receive them. I can not sit in my house all day long and wait for universe to deliver a brand new, high paying, highly awesome job right to my face. No way. I have to get out into the world, show the Universe I mean business, open myself up to meeting people, keep my eyes open for opportunities, and do everything I possibly can to create this for myself. If you do all you can possibly do and still have a melt down with the Universe, this if a different story. This kind of melt down is great because it means you are SO CLOSE to what you want.

Rule #3: Break downs are actually break throughs

So you have done everything you can possibly do to manifest what you want. There is not a single thing more you can do to put yourself out there and create your goal. So now what? You flipping lose it! You yell, scream, cry, and curse at the Universe. “What more do you want from me!!!!” We have all been here, right? This is like the dark night of the soul when it comes to manifesting. This always happens. We have one last dark and intense breakdown. Think of these breakdowns as a snake shedding its skin or an esoteric cleanse of our soul. We are dropping all of this nasty stuff inside of us we don’t need anymore so that we can be fully open and blissful to receive what we deserve. This happens to me whenever I am manifesting a major life change or something really important. I have to hit this rock bottom and helpless place to let go of all my shit. AND then my manifestations come true. It is really weird, I do not understand it, yet I have had others confirm this happens to them as well. So if you are having  breakdown, and you know you have done everything in your power to create what you want, be aware that this is just the darkness before the dawn. It is a breakthrough and you will be rewarded for all your hard work, I promise!!!

Rule #4: The Universe is always conspiring miracles for me

Keep this belief until you die. Watch how others create their lives by a belief that the Universe is out to get them.  You know better than than that! No way! Not up in here!!!! the Universe is conspiring miracles for you! Know it, believe it, create it. Become a reverse paranoid. Go ahead, you just might stumble across a life time of awesomeness!!!

There you have it. My 4 simple rules of manifesting. If you have any questions please contact me as I would love to be a part of your magic!


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