The Tao of Courage

In Osho’s book “Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously” he discusses how embracing the unknown is the only way one can live courageously.

jump off cliff

To accept the challenge of the unknown, in spite of all fears, is courage. The fears are there, but if you go on accepting the challenge again and again, slowly slowly those fears disappear.


There is a tremendous amount of joy in the unknown. The unknown brings back the thrill in life, the adventurous part of the spirit is fed. If you are not happy with your life but are too afraid to make any significant changes, then you are not actually even living. You have given your power to the fear of the unknown instead of collecting your power from the joy of living in the mystery.

I believe that when we make courageous decisions geared in the direction of our own happiness and success, then we will be rewarded by life. Sure, quitting your job, moving across the country, and breaking off your secure relationship is scary as f***. Yet, staying in a situation for false security at the compromise of your soul is just plain dumb. Your soul actually wants to soar. Let it. Jump. Be courageous and take the risk. Each time you do, you develop more trust in yourself, life and the Universe.

Courage does not mean fearlessness. Fearlessness  will come naturally as you continue to make courageous decisions. Life will meet you, bless you and surprise you with miracles each time. You will develop trust and you will learn to accept that the unknown will take care of you.

The unknown is way less scary than the boring known you have been pretending to enjoy. Sure, challenges will arise. Personal problems will have to be looked at and cleared. People may call you irresponsible and crazy because you are triggering their own personal fears of the unknown. Yet, guess what? You will be stronger, deeper, and wiser than if you stayed.  Let go of what no longer makes your heart pump with passion. Security is just your mind trying to trap you. The real security in life is trusting in yourself. Trusting that you will be guided and directed to something even better than before. Oh, and only upgrades allowed!

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