You are the Universe


“You are the Universe experiencing itself”

Think about that one long and hard next time you feel as if life is out of control. You were made in the loving image of your creator. Therefore, you naturally have magical abilities to transform, mold and create life into the way you would like it to be. It is all a game, and once you realize that you are here for such a brief moment of time you might start to relax a little and play in the mysterious magic of your existence in this Universe.

In the ancient Hermetic text, The Kybalion, it discusses the art of transformation (alchemy) as a tool of the masters. Once you know life is a game, an illusion, or a reporter of your thoughts you do not begin to deny the existence or the reality things here; you simply learn to transform the energy with your internal powers.

“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these,
understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose
touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”–The Kybalion.

There are numerous ancient texts available to us that attempt to put into words some of the mysterious workings of the Universe and how to play with them. If we are open to living from the higher planes of existence then we will be open to receiving some of this powerful information. I am drawn to the Kyballion as it resonates with how my mind sees the world in terms of energy, vibration, and the transformation of energy from the varying degrees of existence.

“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet;all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”–The Kybalion

Ex. Hot and cold. When does hot became cold? There is not a measurable point or temperature that we can distinguish when hot actually turns into cold. Hot and cold are the same thing they just vary in degrees. They are on two separate ends of the same pole and there are infinite degrees in between.

The Kybalion reminds of that we are in control of our own poles. Start keeping your poles high and your vibration starts to be raised to that level. If you are on the poverty side of the pole, imagine lifting the lever to the highest position on the abundance side. Do this with health, relationships, love, career, etc. Lift all your poles to the highest degree and watch your life magically shift to adjust to your new frequency.

I have listed below what the 7 ancient Hermetic principles are. I highly recommend reading and applying The Kybalion to every area of your life if you are looking to make some positive and profound changes!

The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:

1. The Principle of Mentalism.
2. The Principle of Correspondence.
3. The Principle of Vibration.
4. The Principle of Polarity.
5. The Principle of Rhythm.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.
7. The Principle of Gender.

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