How to figure out what to do with your life

Have you ever thought this? What on Earth am I going to do with my life? Most likely everyday if you are someone who has been seeking and searching for that perfect something to make their life feel complete, fulfilled, and on track. Well the good news I can bring is, you do not have to know nor will you ever know what you are going to do with your life. The first step is figuring out what are you going to do NOW! NOW is actually all we have. What we are doing now, will take us to the rest of our life. So how to we stop the frantic worrying of this “rest of our life fairytale illusion?” Well we have to start with what do we like to do NOW. Today. Here are a few tips on how to starting figuring your life NOW, and not later.

Waking up:

What is the first thing you like to do when you wake up? Is it wake up dreading to go to work, or praying to the time gods to give you 5 more minutes? What if you were able to wake up and tell yourself that this is going to be an amazing day. Today I am going to kill it. Today is my day. How we start our morning is how we set the bar for our day. If we wake up refreshed, well slept, positive and optimistic, our day is more likely to succeed than not.  Instead of waking up wishing things were different, or dreaming of the day you have it figured out..start waking up 20 minutes earlier and writing down some positive affirmations, or goals you are working towards. Start making time to breathe, stretch, take a walk and make some healthy food. Louise Hays says how we start our day is often how we live our lives. She also says “An affirmation is a beginning point. It opens the way. You are saying to your subconscious mind:I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.” So going ahead. I dare you. Start waking up and saying positive things to yourself and see if anything changes. You really have nothing to lose but negativity. 

Moving your body:

If you are feeling stuck, sad, or depressed with where your life is, the best thing you can to is to move your body. Moving you body will move some of that stagnant energy out the door. So what, you are not where you wish to be with your life, career, or love life. Come back to the now. Acknowledge where you are. Make goals to succeed starting today and then go shake your booty! Go to a dance class, yoga, take a walk, go for a run, or just jump up and down for 5 minutes. Tell that stagnant energy to leave your body now and make room to receive new creative and inspiring energy. Go for a walk in nature and release all the energy you wish to leave into the Earth. Welcome in healthy change, opportunity and success. Make it a habit to move your body for 20 minutes a day and increase from there. Make daily goals to work out in some way or form, challenge yourself with your workouts and you will always feel some sort of accomplishment at the end of the day. Gauranteed.

Quit asking others, and trust yourself!

Quit asking others what they think you should do with your life. Take time to figure out who you are, what you like, and what you want to do with your life. Others can only project what they think is best for you, or what you may be good at. Yet, only you know what deep down would make you feel happy and satisfied doing. Start spending more time with yourself doing things you enjoy doing instead of following the crowd. Start to be your own individual and start creating your own life built around things you love. If you still have no idea what you want to do for work then at least start knowing what you want to do for fun, for excerise, for relaxation, for enjoyment. Work is just one part of the day. Start filling in the  other parts of activities, reading, pleasures that you enjoy for you.

Going to sleep with a vision:

Start going to bed with a vision of where you want your life going. If you still can’t figure out some of it, just start getting into a feeling of what it would feel like to know what you want to do. Start feeling what it would feel like to be successful, to be living a life you love, to be making good money doing what you want to do, to be in the best shape of your life, to be feeling happy with who you are. My aunt who is 54 years old still says to be all the time ” I don’t know what to be when I grow up”. I love when she says that, it reminds me as a 25 year old that it is okay not to know! We may never really know! All we can do is start with a morning, with a day, with a week filling it with things we love and that make up happy. Everything else will lead from there! Go on start making today the best day ever, and tomorrow even better.