three easy ways to shake insecurity

We have all been there. Those thoughts of insecurity creeping in your brain and destroying any possibility of a happy thought you may want to think. The funny thing is everyone on the planet thinks the same exact same insecure thoughts. These are the thoughts that repeat loudly in our head and say; I am not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, motivated enough, skinny enough, qualified enough etc. They all trace back to this concept of enoughness. Yet, what is enough really and who is setting this incredibly high bar that none of us can meet? I have said this before and will say it again. We only limit ourselves. We truly do. The outer world responds to the inner world we are creating. If we are thinking insecure thoughts we are sending a frequency out the the world that says “I am not good enough”. Is it true? Are we really not good enough? Of course not! Yet, does the world meet us where we are at vibrationally? Yes, it does. Ok, great. How do we fix this when we can not seem to switch these negative thoughts to positive uplifting thoughts. Well here are a few things I do.

1.) Sit down, breathe and channel gratitude. When you just can’t seem to get off the downward spiral of negativity just take a time out. Take 5 minutes to sit and breathe. Let all these thoughts pass through your head like clouds. Think of everything in your life you are grateful for and focus on what you do have going on for you. Gratitude is a powerful vibration and can change our mood quickly if we allow ourselves to feel it. Trust me, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for, even on the darkest day.

2.) Write it down. Take a pen and paper and write down every single horrible thought you are thinking about yourself, and then right the exact opposite of that thought. Start to make a list of positive affirmations based off your negative affirmations. Then take a minute to look into the mirror and say them out loud. It may be difficult at first but you can do it. You are intelligent, beautiful, abundant, strong, powerful, lovable enough! We just have to train our brain to start thinking that way, we have to reverse our conditioning and our self criticism. It takes work, it is not easy. Yet, the payoff is that we learn who we truly are by dropping what we are not.

3.) Channel your inner DIVA. Beyonce, Christina Aquilera, Alicia Keys, Rihanna….anyone that sings about owning yourself, your soul, and all that goodness you got going on. These are powerful women, like them are not, who give a message of  ”Take me as I am, I am worth it.” So find out what musician/poet/writer inspires you and turn to their lyrics for a little boost of confidence. Music has a magical way of penetrating our soul, shaking up our mood, and clearing negativity out of our body. So turn on the tunes and crank it up!Feel it baby, you are f***ing incredible and whoever doesn’t see that BUH-BYE! ;)

Try to remember these tips next time you are down. Just because you are having a bad day does not mean you have to stay there all day and wallow in your sorrows and self doubt. No way. Find your inner strength to clear these inner lies we tell ourselves. Start affirming your awesomeness, and if you just can’t seem to feel your own awesomeness then start by admiring someone else’s. How we view others is a reflection of how we view ourselves. Go ahead, admire others peoples success, beauty, love, talents, and fame then sit back and feel them inside of you. You are more than enough, start affirming it! I like the way my friend Tia phrases her worth. She says; “I am worth it all and I am f***ing priceless”! TRUE, TRUE, TRUE! Own it!!!!



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