Tag Archives: high vibrations

Sexual Energy and Creating Reality


I think we all know how to manifest by now. We know we have to think positive thoughts, feel as if it is already ours, become the person who has their desire, etc. These techniques are powerful and can bring about instantaneous results. However, along my journey I have found that there is one forgotten piece of the puzzle. That piece is our sexuality.

Think about it- whether you are a man or a woman you have the power to create life. That is freaking powerful! We as humans cannot create a life with out a man and woman coming together. Man and woman are equally as powerful. Yet, did you know that you have masculine and feminine energy inside of you? These energies lie at the base of our spine and in some cultures it is called your kundalini energy. Osho said that it is only when the masculine and feminine come together, that a buddha can be born. You are beyond gender, but in a human experience we have the gift of sexuality. We can channel our sexual energy to create whatever we desire, it is not only used to create life.

This is amazing news because if you have the power to create life, then you have the power to create anything you desire. You also have the ability to heal with this energy. If you can be created from sexual energy you better believe it can heal. Marvin Gaye was really onto something with his hit song “Sexual Healing”.  If we can learn to control, channel and allow our sexual energy to assist us in creating our reality we will become unstoppable. There is a reason that the organized religions and the High Priest/ess hid this information from the common people. It is because we are so powerful we can use our energy to create our destroy.

If you are struggling creating reality with only your mind then I encourage you to try using your sexual energy to create your desires. I do one on one coaching to show people how to do this.  When we start accessing higher levels of consciousness we are going beyond linear time and space. Therefore, we have the ability to create things faster and step into a consciousness of allowing. Soon we do not have to think about “manifesting” because we are living at such a high vibration that our energy automatically brings in exactly what we are seeking. Life can be magical, blissful, abundant and graceful. You have the ability to raise your vibration to start creating at this level of ease and grace. Why wait?
