All posts by Julie


“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” RIP Maya Angelou. 

green smoothie

Simple Green Smoothie Recipe:

Wake up and feel amazing with this simple, healthy, and alkalizing smoothie recipe.


1 banana

1/2 cup of pineapple

1/2 cup of spinanch

1 cup of almond milk (homemade preferred)

1 Tbs of hemp seeds

drizzle of honey (optional)


Blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender. Drink for breakfast or anytime during the day for a pick me up snack!

How to make rejection sexy


“Never love anybody who treats you like you are ordinary” Oscar Wilde

No doubt about it, rejection is the worst feeling in the entire universe. However, since I am a positive-spirit-bliss-junkie at my core, I always try to dig deep and find the positivity and soul lessons in every situation. In regards to rejection from someone you love, the positive outcome I have learned is humblesness and the ability to raise your standards.

If you are going through rejection it is a perfect time to RAISE YOUR STANDARDS.

Why? Because somebody with high standards in love and life would only allow divine love from someone who wants to be with you as badly as you want to be with them. You deserve to be met in love, cherished, and held onto. If someone can let you go and risk losing you into a world of 7 billion people then  now is the time to raise your standards. Raise the bar. You seriously deserve the world and your perfect vibrational match, not someone who can live with out you.

You are worth the highest form of love you could ever imagine. If you have trouble excepting that thought then you need to take this time to work on your self worth and value. (And by work I really just mean drop all the false beliefs about yourself, as you are a perfect extension of source energy right now). Also people with high standards are fucking sexy. Period. They know what they are worth and they never settle. Be one of those people. 

Use rejection as fuel to catapult yourself into a whole new world of higher standards. Start making your shoulds a must. Raise your standards in work, fitness, friendship, spirituality and start creating your next relationship based on your self worth. Start remembering that you came to this Earth to experience contrast. Once you know what you do not want, move on!

Be grateful for the clarity you now have about what you would like in your next relationship. Let go and trust that the Universe will bring you something even more amazing. The Universe has your back and is aligning everything perfectly for you. Your only job is to recognize that you are worth it.



Why being Spiritual makes you sexier


Yes, it is true! Being spiritual makes you a sexier person. If you have ever wondered how you can be more attractive, fun, light-hearted, deep, passionate, and insanely sexy and  beautiful at the same time then maybe it is time to try a more spiritual approach to life. All that suffering, mind-chatter, worrying, obsessing, and needing people to love you really is not sexy. Sexy is being in your power, aligning with your highest self, nurturing yourself and then others,  feeling confident and grateful for your life,  thinking more deeply, trusting yourself and the unfoldment of your life, loving your body, and being authentically vulnerable.

How to move from  a needy/unsexy to a trusting/sexy approach to life:

Now, let me get clear. I think it is fine to need people, to depend on people, and to want to have solid people in your life. However, I do not think it is okay to place your entire identity and purpose of life on those whom you choose to be in a loving relationship with. You see, we are all on a spiritual journey on this planet, and as hard as it is to grasp there really is nothing permanent here. No matter how amazing, solid, and perfect the love you find here is the truth is in time it will dissolve, transform, and transition on into something new (in this life or after the life). People die, change, get injured, get dis-eased, and break-up everyday. It is a difficult planet to be on  sometimes. As much as we want to cling to others to distract us from acknowledging that we are here alone on our own spiritual journey, we need to start learning ways thrive in a relationship with ourselves first.  Then we can go out and create true-lasting love (not needy/ destructive love) with others.

The second we choose to adore, love, cherish, and create an amazing life with ourselves, the universe will start bringing you people who can love, adore, cherish and create with you. If our outer world is truly a mirror of our inner world, lets start doing the work people! If you are wanting, needing, hoping, wishing for a relationship *(or anything in life), take some time to self-reflect and notice where you are not feeding yourself what you are seeking on the outside. As I said before, needy love is not sexy. Take some time to develop your spiritual side, your philosophical side, and your independent side. That is what is sexy. That approach to life is what will draw lovers, friends, and amazing people into your life who will stay.

One way to not get caught up with obsessing over the physicality of a lover is to remember that we all come from the same Source energy. We are all sparks of Light with a pure divine essence. When we realize that we love the divine essence of a person, we can remember that we are that essence too. Even if that person leaves us, abandons us, or betrays us we must not get caught up in the physical obsession of that person.

We must remember that we are all divine lights here on Earth to learn lessons to experience spiritual growth. It is so easy to get feeling needy and hopeless over the wanting of one physical person’s love. As we all know, that is the furthest thing from sexy love. We must remember the lessons we signed up for on this planet. We must take a more cosmic approach and realize that everyone is playing the perfect role they need to play in our lives. Everyone is being exactly who they need to be, therefore we don’t need to obsess of fixate on anyone more than ourselves. We came from love, we are love, and we will return to love. So lets focus on that, and get a little sexier everyday we do.   🙂


How to give up the “how to” in manifesting

Yes, I realize that most of my blogs begin with a “how to” title. Yet, I am here to tell you now how to drop the “how to’s” out of your life when you are trying to attain a goal or attract some magic into your life. How many of you have ever said ” I know what I want, but I have no idea how to make it happen.” Most of us right? Well instead of playing the old mental war game of driving yourself nuts figuring out how to get from point A to point B, may I suggest a different approach?

This new approach would be to acknowledge where you want to be, visualize your goal, feel what it will feel like to get there and then completely surrender the how. I know it sounds crazy and even lazy, but listen! I am not suggesting that you create a goal and then do nothing to act on it. I am suggesting that once the vision is created, step back and see what shows up to get you on your path. Trust me! Opportunities will show up in such perfect alignment that you will have no choice but to jump and take action. You see the universe is always on our side, and once we know what we want it will set up the most beautiful synchronicities  to get us going in that direction. Now instead of figuring out the “how to”, we just have to get out of our own way, be open to receive inspiration/direction/connections and all the other magical synchronicities that will show up. Trust me, they will show up.

In today’s world everything we do is so masculine, its go go go-don’t stop till you get it. I indeed can vouch and say this approach works most of the time. Yet,  the surrender approach is just more fun and expansive. Instead of putting a cap on our manifestation’s and how they can show up, we now get to say ” I want to be over here, but if there is something greater that will show up- please show me that Universe.” Of course, this surrender process takes trust in yourself and trust in the magical workings of the Universe. You may have to do some work on yourself around learning to trust the workings of the Universe, and trusting yourself as a conscious creator. Yet,  once you can get to the point of  full blown trust and surrender you will be creating from a relaxed, confident, curious, and playful state. It is from this state that true magic can happen, as we have surrendered what exactly we think that magic should look like and how it should get appear. That, my friends, is truly living and co-creating.  Go ahead, give it a whirl 😉

this article was inspired by my lovely friend Lisa Turner ( )

how to be a spiritual badass

I said it and meant it. You can be spiritual and be a badass at the same time.  What on Earth am I talking about? I am talking about how much self-discipline, self improvement, and self work it takes to reach this awesome title of a spiritual badass. You know how some people just seem to have all the luck? They just seem to manifest anything they want, create anything, look great, and have a fabulous life all the time? Well, I think I am one of those people. From the outside I do have a seriously amazing life and existence. However, it takes work to keep a positive outlook on life and it takes dedication and commitment to create and go after your dreams. If you are already one of these people, congratulations you are a badass! If you are not there yet but want to be one of those annoyingly, lucky, awesome, and magical beings then keep reading.

I live my life by the phrase “positive things happen to positive people”. To me nothing is more obvious about how the universe works than this phrase.  I know you can relate to the opposite of this. You know those horrible days where nothing seems to go right? One thing after another just collapses your whole day to shit and you can not seem to change the flow? If we take a step back and separate from the pissed off emotions we are exuding at the universe, we can see that this is just an energy we are “stuck” in. When we choose to hold onto this “bad day” energy we continue to radiate out negativity to the universe until everything that can possibly go wrong with our day, will. Why do we do that? Well sometimes we like to stay in our dark, sad, depressed state and feel sorry for ourselves. Sometimes we like to give our power away and feel helpless and disempowered. Yet, sometimes we just need the tools and the awareness of how to channel our own inner bad ass and create something different. This is where the work comes in.

Anyone can be awesome.. We all have the same ability to radiant, succeed, create, and live magically. Yet the people that can take the negative parts of life, and turn them into something positive are the true badasses on the planet. Like in a poker game, anyone can deal and feel great about a good hand. Yet, the ones that can deal with the shitty hands, turn it around, and create out of left field magic are the people to be inspired by. These are the people that own their shit, check themselves, remember who they are and take control of their lives. These are people who choose to stop being victims and start taking responsibility for what they are creating in this world. This takes a high level of self awareness and the commitment to grow into the person you know you are capable of being. This takes looking deep into your self and asking yourself why are you creating this? Why do you continue to attract the same abusive boyfriend? Why do you choose to keep beating yourself up about your weight? Why do you continue to hate your mother for the way you are?Why do you continue to manifest unemployment? I don’t know why but stop it! Start getting inspired to change your life because you can!

Start being inspired to be awesome. It can be hard, it can be painful, and it can be dark but what we become after the work is limitless. We no longer have to hold ourselves back from our dreams. We do not have to hold onto hatred and regret towards those that betrayed us and held us back. We realize that we have the power to change who we are, we have the power to create a beautiful life, and we have the power to feel the way we want to feel. Don’t like something in your life right now? Do something about it. Take responsibility for creating it in the first place and then do the steps to change it. You have support. I have lots of bad ass spiritual friends that love and support me to drop all the bull shit and start being amazing. Once you choose to do the same you will attract  bad ass friends that will encourage you do be your ultimate bad ass self. I am your friend and I am telling you that you are awesome and worth it! So go ahead, drop the garbage and start being more bad ass.

three easy ways to shake insecurity

We have all been there. Those thoughts of insecurity creeping in your brain and destroying any possibility of a happy thought you may want to think. The funny thing is everyone on the planet thinks the same exact same insecure thoughts. These are the thoughts that repeat loudly in our head and say; I am not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, motivated enough, skinny enough, qualified enough etc. They all trace back to this concept of enoughness. Yet, what is enough really and who is setting this incredibly high bar that none of us can meet? I have said this before and will say it again. We only limit ourselves. We truly do. The outer world responds to the inner world we are creating. If we are thinking insecure thoughts we are sending a frequency out the the world that says “I am not good enough”. Is it true? Are we really not good enough? Of course not! Yet, does the world meet us where we are at vibrationally? Yes, it does. Ok, great. How do we fix this when we can not seem to switch these negative thoughts to positive uplifting thoughts. Well here are a few things I do.

1.) Sit down, breathe and channel gratitude. When you just can’t seem to get off the downward spiral of negativity just take a time out. Take 5 minutes to sit and breathe. Let all these thoughts pass through your head like clouds. Think of everything in your life you are grateful for and focus on what you do have going on for you. Gratitude is a powerful vibration and can change our mood quickly if we allow ourselves to feel it. Trust me, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for, even on the darkest day.

2.) Write it down. Take a pen and paper and write down every single horrible thought you are thinking about yourself, and then right the exact opposite of that thought. Start to make a list of positive affirmations based off your negative affirmations. Then take a minute to look into the mirror and say them out loud. It may be difficult at first but you can do it. You are intelligent, beautiful, abundant, strong, powerful, lovable enough! We just have to train our brain to start thinking that way, we have to reverse our conditioning and our self criticism. It takes work, it is not easy. Yet, the payoff is that we learn who we truly are by dropping what we are not.

3.) Channel your inner DIVA. Beyonce, Christina Aquilera, Alicia Keys, Rihanna….anyone that sings about owning yourself, your soul, and all that goodness you got going on. These are powerful women, like them are not, who give a message of  ”Take me as I am, I am worth it.” So find out what musician/poet/writer inspires you and turn to their lyrics for a little boost of confidence. Music has a magical way of penetrating our soul, shaking up our mood, and clearing negativity out of our body. So turn on the tunes and crank it up!Feel it baby, you are f***ing incredible and whoever doesn’t see that BUH-BYE! ;)

Try to remember these tips next time you are down. Just because you are having a bad day does not mean you have to stay there all day and wallow in your sorrows and self doubt. No way. Find your inner strength to clear these inner lies we tell ourselves. Start affirming your awesomeness, and if you just can’t seem to feel your own awesomeness then start by admiring someone else’s. How we view others is a reflection of how we view ourselves. Go ahead, admire others peoples success, beauty, love, talents, and fame then sit back and feel them inside of you. You are more than enough, start affirming it! I like the way my friend Tia phrases her worth. She says; “I am worth it all and I am f***ing priceless”! TRUE, TRUE, TRUE! Own it!!!!



how to eat healthy and not be boring

Salad with chicken, salad, salad, steamed vegetables, more salad, salad with salmon -no bread, steamed greens…I think you get the idea. Eating healthy can make you feel and look great but it can be so boring if we are not creative about it. If you are like me, you probably have a fear of being boring in any way. How do we make being healthy fun? You have to start bring back the P vitamin, which is PLEASURE. We need to start eating with all of ourselves and not just our fearful, limited, diet restricted minds. I recently started reading about Marc David’s work with the psychology of eating. He says that what you bring to the table when you eat (meaning your emotions, your personality, your day, your mood, your appetite) is just as important as what you eat. If we are eating in an uplifted, curious, playful, sexy state of mind we actually digest food better than if we are upset and not paying attention to the food we are ingesting. I may be going out on a limb calling food sexy, but it so obviously is. Anything that brings us pleasure is sexy. Start bringing sexy back to the table. Start admiring your food; the presentation, the aromas, and the mouth feel of what you are choosing to make your meal. Food is fuel as it keeps up alive but it is also this magical, sensual, pleasureful, playful time in our day where we are taking time to ingest what we want to put in our bodies. We all want to make healthy eating choices, but there are ways to make them more exciting. What are some food tips to spice up your healthy life? Well here are a few ways:

1.) Keep it spicy.  Spices are alluring, exotic, fragrant and powerful. Just a dash makes an exciting and dramatic difference in a plate of food. Start playing with new spice combinations like harrissa, zatar, curry, or start making up your own. Add spice blends to healthy items like steamed vegetables, grains, and beans; or make an olive oil-spice rub for a baked fish or chicken dish. Start playing with different salts, and peppers too. Cayenne, white pepper and togarashi all add different flavors to a dish.  Celtic sea salt is way more complex than your iodized table salt. Start paying attention and start experimenting with what you like. Go ahead, keep it spicy. Your mouth will thank me, I promise.

2.) Start using super foods. A super food is a super charged food or herb that is off the chart with nutrients and antioxidants. Raw food guru, David Wolfe, is the number one pioneer of super foods. Adding these foods to your morning smoothies, mixing them into your yogurt, or making a healthy raw food dessert are just a few ways to get creative. Hempseeds, chia seeds, cacao, maca, mesquite pod meal, goji berries, lucuma powder, raw honey, bee pollen are just a few examples of some delicious super foods. Think about a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Boring, right? Now imagine that same bowl of oatmeal toped with a spoon full of goji berries, a tbs of hemp seeds, 2 tbs of cacao bits, some shredded coconut flakes and a drizzle of raw honey on top. Way different story, right? So go ahead be a health food weirdo and stock up on as many super foods as you can. Your body will thank you.

3.) Go abroad. Start researching what people eat in South India, Thailand, Lebanon, Turkey, or Peru. There are so many combinations of food we as Americans would never think of doing that are quite natural and delicious in other parts of the world. Start researching new ingredients, cooking methods, recipes from other countries. Start exploring your local asian and ethnic grocery stores in your area. They are full of things we have never seen or head of before. Ask questions, be curious, be creative. No one would dare call you boring if you bring a traditional lentil based Lebanese dish to a dinner party. Start intriguing yourself and others with new eating adventures.

There you have it. Food is sexy and we as eaters are awesome.  Start playing with food and stop being a slave to  boring diet. Healthy is great but healthy, sexy, spicy, and exotic are even better :)

how to walk through a room and not feel awkward

Right!? Isn’t it about time somebody talked about this! How many times have you walked through a room full of seated people and felt extremely awkward? I don’t know why this occurs inside our brains but it sure does happen to a lot of people I have asked lately. As I sit in this coffee shop and just had to walk from the bathroom back to my table I realized how extremely and incredibly awkward I feel just walking though a room of people. I am not sure where to look, what to think, or where to even focus myself. Do I stare straight at my destination (my chair at my table) and strait arrow it all the way there with out looking at anyone? Do I casually twirl my hair and glance around the room? Do I just sing a Beyonce song in my head to stop all my insecurities from rising up? I have no idea what to do.  I have done all of the above and still felt extremely awkward. Then I finally(a whole ten seconds later) arrive at my table, sit down quickly and feel safe again. This is actually the first time I have ever thought about this topic quite deeply. I have always felt like an awkward person my whole life, yet why do I feel so awkward walking in a room full of strangers? I even live in Boulder, Colorado where I am probably the most normal looking person at a coffee shop on a Monday at 3 p.m. It really has my brain spinning.

Anyways I thought it would be a great thing to write about as I am now fascinated by how awkward I perceive myself to be. Its not like everyone in the room is staring at us when we casually walk to the bathroom and back? I am not sure if this is 3rd grade crisis coming up but I really want to know how secure, confident, and unawkward people glide through a room with out these weird feelings and thoughts in their brain. I think I will have to end this post here as I am still perplexed by this and have nothing else to say. Now I feel super awkward hehe. Please reply with your thoughts ,they are highly appreciated and I am highly curious :)

how to not feel insane as you manifest your reality

So you have been reading about these laws of the universe right? You know that the law of attraction says when you want something in your life you have to confirm it as if it is already here. You already have tons of money in the bank, you already are driving your new car, you already have that awesome new job and you tell yourself everyday multiple times how awesome all of these new things feel. The question is how to not feel like a crazy person as you confirm all these things in your mind that you do not actually physically have yet. From an outside source you would indeed appear to be nuts if you are confirming how good it feels to be so rich when someone were to see you have $100 dollars in your savings account. Which brings me to tell you about my rules for manifesting. (I call them rules but they are more of my own guidelines I have discovered over the years of manifesting).

Rule #1: Unless you are extremely confident in your manifesting skills (and can tell people with unwavering faith your manifestation will come true)  do not tell people about your manifesting.

Trust me, certain people will indeed kill you high with their skeptism and disbelief . The last thing you want to do is start doubting yourself.  I know this shit works, you are beginning to know this shit works so only tell people that support you and believe in this magic. You need people whom can help confirm your reality for you. I confirm crazy stuff all the time in my head.  If I need $10,000 dollars I write it down on paper ” Yay thank you for my $10,000 dollars universe- so grateful!” I confirm it all day long until it appears. I have friends whom I trust and can tell them I am manifesting $10,000 dollars and they confirm it for me as well. These friends will believe me and not be surprised when I get an unexpected check for $10,000 (true story). Yet, if I were to confirm it to say my brother who does not believe in the Universe, I would indeed feel insane. As he would have no idea what I am talking about, one hundred percent not believe it was possible to manifest $10,000 dollars out of nowhere, and basically tell me I am a new age witchy weirdo.  So yes, keep confirming your reality and your manifesting all day long until it comes (just don’t let anyone kill your magic). I know you are not crazy, I believe in you, and I support you. :)

Rule #2: Do not get angry at the universe, meet the Universe half way!

Does this mean I never get angry at the universe? Of course not. I yell at the universe all the time like a three year old. However, when my little tantrums occur it is never the Universe’s fault it is always my fault. I need to be doing more of my own work and meeting the universe half way. I can not be mad at the universe for something that is not here yet.  I know the laws and have the tools to manifest myself. I know how it works. When something is not manifesting it is MY responsibility to make it happen. Say I want a brand new job. I write it down, I see it, I visualize it, I picture it, I feel it, I own it, I want it, it is mine. Yet, where is it? Why is it not here yet! UNIVERSE WHERE IS MY JOB!!!! haha. ok. So here is when we do our part. The universe is always configuring miracles for us we just have to get ourselves to the place to receive them. I can not sit in my house all day long and wait for universe to deliver a brand new, high paying, highly awesome job right to my face. No way. I have to get out into the world, show the Universe I mean business, open myself up to meeting people, keep my eyes open for opportunities, and do everything I possibly can to create this for myself. If you do all you can possibly do and still have a melt down with the Universe, this if a different story. This kind of melt down is great because it means you are SO CLOSE to what you want.

Rule #3: Break downs are actually break throughs

So you have done everything you can possibly do to manifest what you want. There is not a single thing more you can do to put yourself out there and create your goal. So now what? You flipping lose it! You yell, scream, cry, and curse at the Universe. “What more do you want from me!!!!” We have all been here, right? This is like the dark night of the soul when it comes to manifesting. This always happens. We have one last dark and intense breakdown. Think of these breakdowns as a snake shedding its skin or an esoteric cleanse of our soul. We are dropping all of this nasty stuff inside of us we don’t need anymore so that we can be fully open and blissful to receive what we deserve. This happens to me whenever I am manifesting a major life change or something really important. I have to hit this rock bottom and helpless place to let go of all my shit. AND then my manifestations come true. It is really weird, I do not understand it, yet I have had others confirm this happens to them as well. So if you are having  breakdown, and you know you have done everything in your power to create what you want, be aware that this is just the darkness before the dawn. It is a breakthrough and you will be rewarded for all your hard work, I promise!!!

Rule #4: The Universe is always conspiring miracles for me

Keep this belief until you die. Watch how others create their lives by a belief that the Universe is out to get them.  You know better than than that! No way! Not up in here!!!! the Universe is conspiring miracles for you! Know it, believe it, create it. Become a reverse paranoid. Go ahead, you just might stumble across a life time of awesomeness!!!

There you have it. My 4 simple rules of manifesting. If you have any questions please contact me as I would love to be a part of your magic!